Consumers can file a complaint against state-chartered credit unions by submitting an online complaint. Be sure to print a copy for your records. The Division of Credit Unions will review the facts in the complaint form and determine if there is a violation of Missouri law. The credit union will be contacted, provided a copy of the complaint and asked for a response. The credit union may contact you directly. This response and resolution process generally takes about 30 days.

Please note:

We cannot give you legal advice
We cannot become involved in complaints that are in litigation or have been litigated

Your Name
Your Address
  • Please DO NOT provide any personal or sensitive information when filling out this form, such as a social security number, credit card, health information, account number, etc.

    If you or an immediate family member ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces and would like information about services and resources available to the military-connected community, contact the Missouri Benefits and Reserve Portal at, the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs at or the Veterans Crisis Line at

Contact Us
Division of Credit Unions

Post Office Box 1607
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-3419


Media Contact
